Jayaboard Continues The Spirit of Sharing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Jayaboard Continues The Spirit of Sharing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jayaboard Continues The Spirit of Sharing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

It has been eight months since Indonesia has endured the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period Jayaboard continued to share a spirit of optimism with community and employees. In order to uphold health protocols, Jayaboard continues to distribute portable sinks to Jayaboard’s loyal partners in all over Indonesia. This mass distribution of portable sinks is not only aimed at promoting hand washing as one of the steps to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 virus, but also to show the SAFETY value that Jayaboard always carries.


In addition, Jayaboard closes the end of 2020 by paying attention to employees’ welfare in the midst of a pandemic. This form of concern is manifested in the distribution of basic daily needs to all Jayaboard employees. It hoped that the distribution of basic daily needs will encourage Jayaboard employees to remain productive the pandemic.
