Heading Towards a Healthy Indonesia 2045: Jayaboard Launched First Air-Purifying Standard Gypsum Board
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Heading Towards a Healthy Indonesia 2045: Jayaboard Launched First Air-Purifying Standard Gypsum Board

Heading Towards a Healthy Indonesia 2045: Jayaboard Launched First Air-Purifying Standard Gypsum Board

Jakarta, May 15, 2023 – In support of the Indonesian Government's grand vision for human development in 2045, which includes efforts to improve health status and people's quality of life, Jayaboard, a leading gypsum board brand, has made a groundbreaking advancement. Their latest product, Jayaboard® SHEETROCK®  PROTECH, introduces an air purifying feature and sets a new standard for gypsum boards in Indonesia.

Unbeknownst to many, harmful emissions such as formaldehyde can be released from various sources like furniture and household products. These emissions can contaminate the air inside a room and prolonged inhalation can lead to health problems ranging from shortness of breath to lung cancer. This is particularly concerning for vulnerable groups such as children, individuals with asthma, the elderly, and pregnant women who are sensitive to the effects of formaldehyde.

Jayaboard® SHEETROCK®  PROTECH ,the first and only standard gypsum board in Indonesia with air purifying feature, provides a solution for improved air quality and a healthier living environment. According to Mr. Indra Wibowo, Jayaboard Product Category Manager, this gypsum board product that has won TOP Brand 12 times in a row in the Best Gypsum Board and Ceiling category, is made using a special formulation and special gypsum crystal surface that effectively helps improve indoor air quality. In addition, its manufacturing process is energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and adheres to international standards.

"Not only that it is healthy, using Jayaboard products also contributes towards better environment. This is because Jayaboard gypsum board production process uses less energy compared to other materials. For instance, it uses less water in the construction process compared to conventional construction." said Indra.

If you aspire to create a healthier and more comfortable home, learn more about Jayaboard® SHEETROCK®  PROTECH and its benefits by visiting this link: Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® PROTECH. You can also reach Jayaboard through their hotline at 021 797 7777 or via WhatsApp Chat at 0811 8120 205.