Facts behind importance of selecting suitable material for sustainable living

Facts behind importance of selecting suitable material for sustainable living

Facts behind importance of selecting suitable material for sustainable living

Maybe you spend a lot of time at home, but is your house healthy enough to live in?

Material selection often being ignored even though it has a significant impact in creating a healthy & sustainable housing that could ensure homeowner to feel comfortable and safe with all their indoor activities.

Jayaboard® gypsum board has been tested in the laboratory as a material that is safe for health because it has a low TVOC (Total Votatile Organic Compound) content. Jayaboard® gypsum board is also produced with a smaller carbon footprint compared to other types of building materials, safe for health & environment.

Some of the advantages of Gypsum Board material in the world of construction such as:

  • Non-asbestos material
  • Non-radioactive material
  • Recyclable & Sustainable
  • Easy to Install
  • Competitive cost


Apart from gypsum material, there are other types of materials made from Polyviny Chloride (CH2-CHC), these chemical components must be re-considered when selected as ceiling material due to some unfortunate factors;

Unproper methods of producing, using, and disposing waste from Polyviny Chloride (CH2-CHC) materials can be detrimental to health, especially the potential to interfere respiratory tract and could lead to triggering dangerous diseases such as cancer. This hazard needs to be considered especially for children who are still in the early stages of physical and mental development, exposure to these harmful chemicals could disrupt their development phase.

Some countries such as Spain, Germany, and Sweden have established construction regulations where Polyvinyl Chloride (CH2-CHC) is removed from the specifications. These countries encourage innovation and way to create a building that are sustainable, ecofriendly, and safe for health.

So, make sure you choose the right material to enhance your quality of life!


California Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. (2006). Health Concerns and Environmental Issues with PVC - Containing Building Materials in Green Buildings. Review of Current Practices and Trends in the Use, Recycling, and Disposal of PVC - Containing Building Materials, 1-77.

Dwiwanto, D. (2020, January 4). Gipsum, Material untuk Plafon yang Ramah Lingkungan. Retrieved from rumah123.com: https://artikel.rumah123.com/gipsum-material-untuk-plafon-yang-ramah-lingkungan-55107

Selera.id. (2017, December 28). Selera.id. Retrieved from Pilih Mana: Plafon PVC vs Gypsum: https://www.selera.id/pilih-mana-plafon-pvc-vs-gypsum/

Sunday A, A., Dirisu, J., Sunday I.F., O., Abioye, A., P.Okokpujie, I., & Olayinka O, S. (2018). Effects of Emission Characteristics on Elemental Composition of Selected PVC Ceiling Materials. Materials Focus, Volume 7, Number, August, 566-572. Retrieved from https://www.vanguardngr.com/2012/11/expert-warns-on-dangers-of-pvc-building-materials/