"Jayaboard Factory" 18 Year Non-LTI (Lost Time Injury) Award located in Cilegon Banten Province from the Government in 2019

"Jayaboard Factory" 18 Year Non-LTI (Lost Time Injury) Award located in Cilegon Banten Province from the Government in 2019

Indonesia, 13 Februari 2018

In 2019, the Jayaboard Factory located in Cilegon received an 18-Year Lost Time Injury Award from the Banten Provincial Government. This award is given because there are no work accidents that interfere with employee performance in the factory and are able to maintain the health of the work environment in it.

According to Andi Yulianto, Cilegon Plant HSE Supervisor, this can be achieved because information related to Safety is always echoed to all employees, guests, and vendors who work with the factory. All related parties are encouraged to always be vigilant, care about work safety & security, optimize and comply with work safety efforts because the work safety culture is one of the core values ​​of the Jayaboard which is very important.

Activities or training carried out by Cilegon Plant in seeking work safety and anticipating emergencies are mandatory work cultures for the Jayaboard Factory.