Supporting Cleaner Air, Jayaboard® Launched Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® PROTECH
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Supporting Cleaner Air, Jayaboard® Launched Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® PROTECH

Supporting Cleaner Air, Jayaboard® Launched Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® PROTECH

Left to right: Indra Budi Wibowo – Product Category Manager, Suzana Budiman – Marketing Director, Miftahul Chaer – Sales Director

Jakarta, 8th of August 2023 – On the occasion of supporting the government’s grand vision of improving Indonesian citizen life in 2045, which is attempted through the improvement of health and the people’s quality of life, Jayaboard® as the pioneer and the leading brand of gypsum board in Indonesia has once again done a breakthrough by adding Air-Purifying technology on Jayaboard® gypsum board and setting a new standard for gypsum board in Indonesia through their new product named Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® PROTECH. The launching event was held at Mulia Hotel Senayan with the theme “Elevate Your Healthy Lifestyle” and was attended by Jayaboard® loyal partners of stakeholders, architects, contractors, as well as developers.

As one of the keynote speakers, dr. Jaka Pradipta, Sp.P as pulmonologist explained about the importance of indoor air quality as most of our time are spent indoors. It was later explained that unconsciously, toxic emissions such as formaldehyde or other toxic chemicals could appear from anywhere, whether it is from furniture, cleaning products, or other building material inside our house. Those emissions would contaminate the air inside a room, and if it is inhaled for a long-term period, it may risk our health with various diseases such as asthma, to lung cancer, especially towards people who are sensitive to formaldehyde’s effects such as children, elderly, and pregnant women.

Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® PROTECH were introduced as the first and only gypsum board in Indonesia to have an Air-Purifying technology and was created as a solution to increase indoor air quality for a healthier and more comfortable room. During the event, Jayaboard® Product Category Manager, Indra Budi Wibowo explained that this product, which has won TOP Brand on the Best Gypsum and Ceiling Board category twelve times in a row, is made using a special formula and special gypsum crystal surface, which is working effectively to increase indoor air quality. In addition to that, Jayaboard® has applied a sustainable manufacturing process, as well as applying international standards in its manufacturing process.

Other notable speakers present on the talk show session includes Thomas Umbu Pati, Deputy for Development Control of IKN (new capital city of Indonesia in Kalimantan) and Dian Irawati, Director of Settlement and Housing Engineering - Ministry of Public Works & Housing Indonesia Republic (PUPR). Speakers who were present during the talk show session were discussing about regulation as well as government plans towards Indonesia Sehat 2045, which includes the ongoing IKN construction.

Presiden Director, Ahmad Hamdani, delivering opening speech.

Left to right: Christophe Blanc – R&D Director Asia Pacific, Mr. Thomas Umbu Pati, Deputy of Ibukota Negara, Nusantara (IKN) Development Controlling Authority, Jaka Pradipta – Specialist Doctor of Respiratory System, Miftahul Chaer – Sales Director, Mrs. Dian Irawati, Director of Construction of Settlement and Housing Engineering, Directorate General of Works Creation, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Indra Budi Wibowo – Product Category Manager, Ahmad Hamdani – President Director.

As part of Jayaboard® 30-year journey in supporting life across Indonesia, Jayaboard®, who had contributed in constructions of housings, offices, public facilities, as well as commercial buildings are committed to creating products with the best quality while also considering health and safety aspects, as well as environment sustainability.

Indra also claimed, “Aside from making your life healthier, using Jayaboard® products also allows you to contribute towards environment sustainability, because the manufacturing process of Jayaboard® gypsum boards use less energy compared to any other materials. Including during the construction process which uses less water compared to any conventional construction.” 

5 installations by Indonesian architects in collaboration with Jayaboard® was displayed on the event. The architect firms include Alien Design Consultant, Arkitekton Limatama, Arkonin, Andramatin Architect and PDW Architect. The installations were designed in line with the event theme, which carries a mission to voice the importance of improving lifestyle quality and the importance of choosing a healthy and sustainable materials to achieve a sustainable future.

For a healthier and comfortable living, learn more about Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® PROTECH through this link: Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® PROTECH or call Jayaboard® Hotline at 021 797 7777 (Call) and Whatsapp Chat at 0811 8120 205.