DM-10 Standard - 1 Side | Jayaboard

DM-10 Standard - 1 Side


This drywall masonry system made for a room that requires performance. Suited for lining reinforced concrete walls and steel framed walls, walls which have severe irregular surfaces and external walls that have suffered moisture ingress,  but then treated with appropriate moisture proofing systems. Range of cavity > 70mm.

Suitable to be applied at:

  • Studio Music
  • Apartment/Hotel
  • Ballroom/Hall
  • Any other area that requires soundproof performance

Supporting Material:

  • Frame: JayaBMS Wall Track, JayaBMS C Stud
  • Lining: 2 layer of Jayaboard Sheetrock 12mm (1 sisi)
  • Jointing: JayaCompound as Jayaboard Recommendation.

Use Hitung Material fiture to help you figure total materials needed.


  • Fire Rating: +/- X + 30
  • Acoustic Rating: STC 52 (no insulation), STC 63 (insulation 60kg/m3)
  • Grade (BS 5234): Heavy Duty


  • All the materials above calculated based on a room with a size of (3x33.33m). Another room sizes should be considered further
  • Vertical frame gap (Furring) max. of 600mm.
  • All the materials above needs to be reconfirmed by the Contractor / Applicators regarding bookings material inquiry order.
  • Exclude waste material


Information provided are for reference purpose only and due care has been taken to ensure accuracy at time of publication. Products, specifications and requirements may vary according to geographical locations and applications. As each project is unique, please contact your local Jayaboard representative for further assessment.