Jayaboard Collaborates to Develop Educational Facilities in Boyolali
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Jayaboard Collaborates to Develop Educational Facilities in Boyolali

Jayaboard Collaborates to Develop Educational Facilities in Boyolali

Boyolali, 21 January 2021 – In collaboration with ARS86Care Foundation, Jayaboard is back again participating under the “Space to Build” program to develop educational facilities in Indonesia. As of September 2020, Jayaboard has supported early education improvement by developing quality enhancement of the Dharma Wanita Kedungmulyo Kindergarten and Dharma Wanita Klewor Kindergarten’s school building in Boyolali.

Located about 9 km from the center of Kemusu District, Dharma Wanita Kedungmulyo Kindergarten was established in 1998 to meet the required needs of educational facilities in the area. Within 22 years of its establishment, Dharma Wanita Kindergarten has gained full support from the parents and local village authority. Over time, reconstruction and improvement became essential to achieve national education facilities and infrastructure standards in Indonesia.

Photo: The ground breaking building structure of Kedungmulyo Dharma Wanita Kindergarten.

Photo: Kedungmulyo Dharma Wanita Kindergarten after construction.

Along with the development of Dharma Wanita Kindergarten in Kedungmulyo, Jayaboard also supports the construction of Klewor Dharma Wanita which is located at the center of Kemusu District. Since its establishment, Dharma Wanita Klewor never has its own building. To accommodate students, the village authorities provide spaces to conduct daily learning activities. However, due to the rapidly increased number of students each year, the space became limited for teachers and students. The development of adequate infrastructure is necessary to encourage dedicated teachers and students to grow.

Photo: The ground breaking building structure of Dharma Wanita Klewor Kindergarten.

Photo: Dharma Wanita Klewor Kindergarten after construction.

For the construction of the school buildings, Jayaboard supports using high-quality products, such as JayaBMS ceiling frame and Jayaboard SHEETROCK®. With optimal performance, Jayaboard maintains safety and convenience for students and teachers for a long period of time.

Pada tanggal 21 Januari lalu, acara serah terima kedua sekolah dilaksanakan di TK Dharma Wanita Klewor dan hanya dihadiri oleh koordinator daerah, kepala sekolah, para guru, dan kepala desa dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang berlaku. Sehubungan dengan ini, acara serah terima juga dilakukan secara daring bersama dengan semua pihak yang terlibat. Melalui program ini, Jayaboard berkomitmen untuk terus berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan sarana pendidikan di Indonesia demi meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat.