Jayaboard’s Contribution in Green Marketing (Marketing Magazine Edition 01/XXI/January 2021)
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Jayaboard’s Contribution in Green Marketing (Marketing Magazine Edition 01/XXI/January 2021)

Jayaboard’s Contribution in Green Marketing (Marketing Magazine Edition 01/XXI/January 2021)

In Marketing Magazine article related to Green Marketing, Jayaboard emphasizes on the company’s vision and mission in contributing to the environment. Prioritizing responsibility towards environmental sustainability, Jayaboard implicates Green Marketing as a sustainable business practice. Furthermore, the company implement eco-friendly factors in production, distribution, packaging, and waste treatment.

“We have high standards towards sustainability, from operational activities in factories, to branch offices, workflows, logistics, and ensure we deliver eco-friendly solutions to our customer through our products and services,” said Ahmad Hamdani, President Director of PT Petrojaya Boral Plasterboard, in this article.

With strong commitment and high spirit for environmental sustainability, Jayaboard continues to advance through new breakthroughs in order to develop green products that do not harm the environment and recyclable. Jayaboard executes this effort through optimal goals and objectives. In terms of process, products, and systems, Jayaboard prioritizes and ensures what they offer to customers are certified and meets the requirements. Jayaboard commits to comply with national and international regulations.

Quoting from the article Participating in Protecting the Environment, Hamdani is optimistic with the eco-friendly products in Indonesia, “Green products development is in line with healthy living trend in Indonesia that is growing rapidly. As a result, Indonesia market is quite promising, it has higher potential and positive impacts with the increasing awareness and knowledge of the importance of eco-friendly products in people’s life.