Construction Industry Trends Update through the Silaturahmi Jayaboard Event Series in Pematang Siantar
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Construction Industry Trends Update through the Silaturahmi Jayaboard Event Series in Pematang Siantar

Construction Industry Trends Update through the Silaturahmi Jayaboard Event Series in Pematang Siantar

SUMATRA UTARA – Pematang Siantar was the next destination for Jayaboard team to organize the Silaturahmi Jayaboard Event Series on Thursday (16/12/2021) at Twentysix Cafe, Pematang Siantar. This event is a platform to share about innovation and product trend in construction industry, and to strengthen the engagement with the applicators.

Presentation session with Putra Ginting (Area Sales Manager North Sumatera) at Twentysix Cafe, Pematang Siantar. (Doc: Jayaboard Team)

The sequence of events began with product presentation session which discussed deeply about the advantages of Jayaboard and Indoboard products. Interactive discussions were also conducted to make sure the applicators could work more productively and efficiently.

Blind Test session with the applicators. (Doc: Jayaboard Team)

In the Blind Test session, applicators were given the opportunity to directly applied the benefits of Cornice Compound Jayaboard as the best jointing solution for interior walls. It has been proven from the results of the session that the quality of Jayaboard and Indoboard products was recognized as having a great quality by the applicators.

In the Silaturahmi Jayaboard Event Series, the Jayaboard team also helped applicators to register as members of JayaPRO. JayaPRO is a community forum for applicator or foreman who are loyal to Jayaboard products. The benefits of joining JayaPRO are increasing the opportunity to get a job, developing business relationships, and being able to participate in training and activities held by Jayaboard.

Giving of Jayaboard exclusive merchandise for applicators. (Doc: Jayaboard Team)

The event was even more lively as Jayaboard exclusive merchandise were given to 12 applicators who had participated during the event.

Group photo session with the participants. (Doc: Jayaboard Team)

The excitement of the Silaturahmi Jayaboard Event Series in Pematang Siantar wrapped up with dinner and a group photo session.

Jayaboard, Kini dan seterusnya.

Jayaboard has regular activities to share knowledge and innovation about the latest product and system trends in the construction industry with architects and professionals throughout Indonesia. If you want your office/community to be visited by the Jayaboard Team, you can directly register via email to / or call Jayaboard Hotline at 021 797 7777.