Visit to Jayaboard's Cilegon Plant

Kunjungan ke Pabrik Jayaboard Cilegon

Jakarta, 26 February 2020 – Jayaboard held a Cilegon line factory visit as part of the event in the Jayaboard Design Culture program series. The factory visit is expected to enhance knowledge of Jayaboard Design Culture members consisting of architects, applicators and even architecture students related to the production process of Jayaboard high quality products.

The tour series was opened by Plant Manager, Kim Tae-Young and Sutini as Operational Manager and then followed by introductions and history of Jayaboard Cilegon Plant. Guided by Andi Budiyanto (Production Manager) and DWI Tantresno (Maintenance Manager) the members of Jayaboard Design Culture able to see by themselves the process and activities inside Jayaboard Cilegon Plant and how Jayaboard maintaining the quality of its product.

Jayaboard has just won the ISO 14001: 2020 certificate on Environmental Management Systems (SML), after going through an environmental management audit process. In the production process, PT Petrojaya Boral Plasterboard does not only focus on the use of advanced technology but also pays attention to environmental sustainability, utilizing resources effectively.

In the certification audit, Sucofindo International Certification Services (SICS), issuers, examiners, supervisors as well as ISO 14001: 2020 certification examiners have examined the use of chemicals in the production environment, starting from the arrival of chemicals and their storage, handling and management of their waste, also checking the management garbage in the Jayaboard factory area.

The series of Jayaboard Cilegon Plant tour event had positive feedback from the participants, "We were impressed to be able to see Jayaboard Cilegon Plant, the site is good and very clean, and the way they pack the product is also good and neat," said Suradi from PT. Asri Mandiri Sakti. Similarly, added by Suryo Jayadi from PT. Sumerlindo Dani Semesta, he was very impressed to see the factory has a huge capacity.

Jayaboard has regular activites to share knowledge and innovation around the latest product and system trends in the world of construction to architects and professionals throughout Indonesia. If you want your office / community to be visited by Team Jayaboard can directly register by email /  or call Jayaboard Hotline at 021 797 7777.