Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® won 2 categories in TOP Brand Award 2018

Jayaboard® SHEETROCK® by USG Boral won 2 categories in TOP Brand Award 2018

Indonesia, 23 February 2018

Being Top of Mind is truly important for a brand as it is on the highest level in Brand Awareness hierarchy. Brand awareness plays a big role when it comes to influence consumer in purchasing / decision making journey, therefor it needs a lot of hard work and commitment to create this recognition from consumer.

For Jayaboard® SHEETROCK®, the hard work and commitment is paid off ever since the brand continuously receiving many awards from various institutions for over the years. On February 20th 2018, the premium gypsum board brand has once again being recognized by receiving 2 awards in TOP Brand Award 2018, for The Best Gypsum Board of The Year and The Best Ceiling of The Year.

The awarding night was being held at Mulia Hotel, Senayan, Jakarta. TOP Brand is one of the prestigious awarding event in Indonesia, Top Brand Award is given to brands in certain product categories that meet Top Criteria based on survey conducted by Frontier Consulting Group. Frontier Consulting Group has conducted surveys since 2000. Already more than 300 hundred of products included in this survey.

Top Brand Index (TBI) is measured using 3 parameters, namely:

  • Top of Mind awareness (based on brands first mentioned by respondents when they heard the product category).
  • Last Used (based on brands last used/consumed by respondents in one re-purchase cycle).
  • Future Intention (based on brands that respondents intend to use/consume in the future).


Photo: Raden Krismahadianto (Product & Strategy Manager Jayaboard) representing Jayaboard at TOP Brand Award 2018 in Jakarta.

The first panel is a survey with 12,400 B2C target respondents conducted in 15 big cities in Indonesia, the second panel is a survey with 1,600 B2B target respondents located in four big cities in Indonesia.

“We are grateful for all of the recognitions we got from public. It’s all thanks to the hard work and excellence collaboration between our stakeholders, employee and partners that we are able to keep and manage our rank as the first and the best gypsum board system provider in Indonesia for over the years. Jayaboard will continue our commitment in providing the best solution for walls and ceilings that contribute to safe and healthy environment,” said Suzana Budiman, Marketing Director Jayaboard.


About Jayaboard

Jayaboard with its famous gypsum board brand Jayaboard® has been established since 1993, continuously innovating through the latest technology to provide community with a more effective, innovative and environmentally friendly systems solutions for walls and ceilings.

Jayaboard committed to continuously develop innovative solutions for walls and ceilings with the latest technology that will answers all the needs of people in Indonesia with premium quality products.