Natura Anti-Microbial Moldstop

Natura Anti-Microbial Moldstop is a gypsum ceiling panel with antimicrobial performance and in additon of having mold resistance performance. This product suitable to be used in health facility such as hospital or any other area that requires antimicrobial performance.

Physical Properties:
  • Thickness: 9mm & 12mm
  • Length 600 mm & 1200 mm
  • Width: 600 mm
  • Edge Type: Square (9 mm & 12 mm), Shadowline (12 mm)
  • Non asbestos
  • Zero VOC
  • Non radioactive material
  • Recyclable material
Recommended Applications:
  • Hospital and Pharmacy
  • Laboratory
  • School
  • Supermarket
  • Office

Features & Benefits:
  • Antimicrobial performance JIS  Z2801 (ATCC 8739, ATCC 6538P)
  • Tested and certified with International standard.
  • Mold Resistance ASTM G21 (Grade 0)
  • Sag-defying Strength
  • Non Surface Spread Flame Material 
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Information provided are for reference purpose only and due care has been taken to ensure accuracy at time of publication. Products, specifications and requirements may vary according to geographical locations and applications. As each project is unique, please contact your local Jayaboard representative for further assessment.